The unfolding narrative of the current Russian/Ukrainian War includes significant advances in the use of disruptive technologies to prosecute War.

These technologies are constantly emerging and impacting on traditional warfare paradigms.

Here we look at how Stage 1 of DVC Consultants LOAF GenAI 24 framework (Simulation and Scenario Planning ),can be used as an early warning system to track these technologies

A Step by Step Guide for Simulating and Scenario Planning Disruptive Technologies in Warfare using Generative AI:

1. Define Objectives:
-Specify whether the simulation aims to evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies in asymmetric warfare, enhance strategic responses to cyber threats, or optimize resource allocation in a multi-domain battle.

2. Identify Disruptive Technologies:

-Break down disruptive technologies into subcategories, including AI for autonomous systems, quantum technologies for secure communication, or biotechnology for enhanced soldier capabilities. Detail how each technology may impact traditional warfare paradigms.

3. Data Gathering:
-Include not only historical military data but also geopolitical intelligence, adversary capabilities, and technological research papers. Capture the nuances of geopolitical landscapes and potential threat scenarios to enhance the realism of the simulations.

4.Select Generative AI Platform:
– Specify the version and capabilities of the chosen Generative AI platform. Highlight any customizations or adaptations made to the platform to accommodate the unique requirements of military simulations.

5. Training the Model:
– Emphasize the importance of a diverse training dataset, incorporating data from various military theatres, historical conflicts, and technological developments. Highlight any transfer learning techniques employed to enhance the model’s understanding of military contexts.

6. Input Scenarios:
– Provide concrete examples of input scenarios, such as simulating the impact of AI-driven drones on air superiority or cyber attacks targeting critical communication networks. Clearly define the parameters and variables used in each scenario.

7. Generate Scenarios:
– Discuss the model’s ability to generate plausible and nuanced scenarios, considering factors like geopolitical tensions, technological adoption rates, and adaptive enemy strategies. Illustrate how the AI extrapolates potential military outcomes based on intricate interactions.

8. Evaluate and Refine:
– Showcase the evaluation criteria used to assess the generated scenarios, including military effectiveness, ethical considerations, and geopolitical implications. Highlight how feedback loops between military experts and the AI contribute to continuous refinement.

9. Iterative Process:
– Illustrate specific instances where the simulation process was iterated based on new intelligence, changes in adversary capabilities, or advancements in disruptive technologies. Emphasize the dynamic nature of the simulation framework.

10. Scenario Analysis:
– Deepen the analysis by detailing the expected ripple effects of each scenario. Explore how changes in military doctrines, resource allocation, and international alliances may result from the adoption or counteraction of disruptive technologies.

11. Decision-Making Support:
– Provide concrete examples of how the generated scenarios have influenced strategic decisions. Showcase instances where military leaders used the simulations as a basis for policy recommendations, resource allocation, or technology investments.

12. Continuous Monitoring:
– Stress the importance of maintaining a vigilant approach to evolving military landscapes. Describe how the Generative AI model is regularly updated with the latest intelligence, technological advancements, and geopolitical shifts to ensure the ongoing relevance of the simulations.

By expanding on each step, military organizations can implement a comprehensive and adaptive approach to leveraging Generative AI for simulating and scenario planning disruptive technologies in warfare. This refined process enhances preparedness, fosters innovation, and informs strategic decisions in an ever-changing military landscape.

About the author

DVC Consultants: Exploring Unknown Unknowns since 1995. Quentin Anderson is Executive Chairman, DVC Consultants, CEO and Co-Founder of BankTotal, and Co-Founder of the social media platform He has decades of experience in advising companies, and for 18 years was a CEO of brand development companies in the WPP group.

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Cogitare – Latin for “To Think” – is the collective name for DVC Consultants thoughts, insights and perspectives on a broad and eclectic number of subjects. From Brexit to Global Poverty, Islamic Banking to Subsistence Agriculture, Disruptive Technologies to The World Bank. It reflects the wide range of sectors and issues we consult on. We hope you enjoy reading them.


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