How to tackle disruptive technologies as we approach the 20’s

How to tackle disruptive technologies as we approach the 20’s Software is eating the world” (M. Andreessen) and “AI is the new electricity” (A. Ng) are two phrases that indicate the seismic impact technology is having on traditional business models. Blockchain,  in particular has created a gateway to digital anarchy. Read more…

#NEVER CAMPAIGN is delighted to support the PFA in their #Enough Campaign

#NEVER CAMPAIGN is delighted to support the PFA in their #Enough Campaign Their initiative makes a real difference in the fight against discrimination. All efforts to tackle discrimination in sport must work together to educate and prevent all discrimination. The #NEVER CAMPAIGN puts sports stars at the forefront Read more…

Sport and it’s stars tackle racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and islamophobia through a new campaign.

# Never Campaign #Nunca, # никогда, # Jamais, # Nigdy, # Abadaan Sport and it’s stars tackle racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and islamophobia through a new campaign. Racist chants are not anything new on the football terraces of Central and Eastern Europe. The, frankly, sickening and defensive response of the Montenegro Read more…

Transformative Consultants- The terraces in Montenegro are just the tip of the iceberg. Far- right, even racist views go mainstream in Central and Eastern Europe.

Racist chants are not anything new on the football terraces of Central and Eastern Europe, and having watched, the quite frankly, sickening and defensive response of the national coach of the Montenegro Team to accusations of racist chants, it is obvious that racism is institutionalised in these countries. The Croatian Read more…

Is big tech, and the disruption it brings, a bigger threat to the world than global warming?

Is big tech and the disruption it brings a bigger threat to the world than global warming? With big data putting at risk millions of jobs worldwide, is techno-darwinism imposing the rules of nature on man made markets? And are the companies that survive the upheaval of disruption by nature Read more…

The 10 Most important questions every CEO should be asking themselves, in order to ensure their company’s survival and long- term success in the digital revolution!

The 10 Most important questions every CEO should be asking themselves, in order to ensure their company’s survival and long- term success in the digital revolution! The digital revolution of the last 20 years has changed us, as consumers and employees. It has also created new markets and has altered Read more…

BioMetric Identification –a panacea for addressing differing regulations and geographical borders in Islamic banking…

Muslims are amongst the fastest growing populations in the world. It is estimated that there will be 2.2 billion Muslims by 2030. This is a huge potential market, and a consumer category which will need increasing focus from brands of all types. At present, although we have seen a considerable Read more…

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