It turns out Don Rumsfeld was right!

Applying the Rumsfeldian Knowledge Matrix to predict the economic, socio-political, scientific and technological impacts of the Coronavirus. When asked what sort of thing was most likely to blow governments off course, Harold MacMillan, then British Prime Minister famously replied, “events, dear boy, events”.  This line is particularly apposite as governments Read more…

How to tackle disruptive technologies as we approach the 20’s

How to tackle disruptive technologies as we approach the 20’s Software is eating the world” (M. Andreessen) and “AI is the new electricity” (A. Ng) are two phrases that indicate the seismic impact technology is having on traditional business models. Blockchain,  in particular has created a gateway to digital anarchy. Read more…

Sport and it’s stars tackle racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and islamophobia through a new campaign.

# Never Campaign #Nunca, # никогда, # Jamais, # Nigdy, # Abadaan Sport and it’s stars tackle racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and islamophobia through a new campaign. Racist chants are not anything new on the football terraces of Central and Eastern Europe. The, frankly, sickening and defensive response of the Montenegro Read more…

Disruptive Technologies. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Islamic Banking…

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres, collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems. It is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number Read more…

KISS your clients if you want to win, protect and grow them…

Our central tenet as a consulting firm is our focus on helping our Clients ‘Win, Protect and Grow’ their global Client/Customer Relationships. We have entered a far more transparent and competitive market, with a far greater educated audience. Consultative roles are required that transverse verticals to be successful. The competition Read more…

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